Skin type

Combination or problem skin

Skincare Summary: Your skin is experiencing both oily and dry areas, and can be affected by the daily stressors of life. Your desire is to find balance between oil & dryness and create a smooth, protective skin barrier. You sometimes experience inflammation, irritation or redness.

Current Advantages: Though you occasionally have problem areas on your skin, in warm weather you have a natural, healthy glow.

Current Concerns: You want to find harmony between oily and dry, and achieve consistently hydrated skin tone, smoothness, and radiance.

We say current because several factors (stress, hormones, diet, environment) can affect the daily condition of your skin. But no matter where you are now, we’ll get you to your best, most beautiful self.

Woman with dark hair pulled back applying custom skincare products thanks to a personalized skincare quiz.


The Best Skincare Routine for Your Combination SKin



Good cleansing is the foundation of taking the best care of your skin. One of the biggest reasons why women’s skin is over-taxed is that we strip its natural PH mantle with overly-harsh cleansers. If you’ve been washing your face with a high-foaming, harsh cleanser and it feels “squeaky” clean, you’ve gone too far…our gentle Radiance Day Cleanser is perfect for daily use. The purpose of washing your face in the morning as part of your natural skincare routine for your combination skin is to gently clean your skin of the oils and creams you’ve put on the night before. Always wash your face with warm, not hot water and pat, don’t rub dry.


The next important step is to keep your skin hydrated and prepped for your serum, or oil. Using a gentle toner such as Balance Botanical Toner is an important product to help your serum or oil penetrate deeply into your skin.


Immediately after quenching your combination skin with a toner, apply your Awaken Rejuvenating Day Serum. Gently massage it all over your face, neck and décolletage. If you have any left over, massage it into the tops of your hands. You can also at this time apply eye and lip creams.


For your daytime regimen, apply a minimum 30 SPF. There are many healthy choices out there that will be right for your skin.



Cleansing your skin is the foundation of taking care of your combination skin. One of the biggest reasons why women’s skin is over-taxed is that we strip its natural PH mantle with overly-harsh cleansers. If you’ve been washing your face with a high-foaming, harsh cleanser and it feels “squeaky” clean, you’ve gone too far…For evening, an oil-based cleanser such as Luminance Evening Balm Cleanser is the perfect answer. Most, if not all oil-cleansers have a surfactant aspect to the formulation allowing the oil (whether in balm-form or liquid) to thoroughly wash away any make-up, dirt, and debris, leaving your skin soft and moist. If you wear heavy make-up or work in an atmosphere during the day that leaves your skin unusually dirty, you may feel you need to double cleanse. If so, I would recommend taking your day cleanser and using that topically over your oil-based cleanser to thoroughly cleanse your skin before moving on to the next step of your regimen.


The next important step of your natural skincare yourine for your combination skin is to keep your skin hydrated and prepped for your serum. Using a gentle toner such as Balance Botanical Toner is an important product to help your serum or oil penetrate deeply into your skin.


Immediately after quenching and priming your skin with our Balance Botanical Toner, apply your Moonlight Restorative Night serum. Gently massage it all over your face, neck and décolletage. If you have any left over, massage it into the tops of your hands. You can also at this time apply eye and lip creams.